What an ace Event!
The Blackburn Festival Of Light team would just like to say a massive thank you to all who were involved in our very first summer parade ‘Our Precious Planet’. It was such a pleasure to lead the parade and look back as we reached our old home (St. John’s which we had lost in a fire in April). That was when I could breathe again… my ‘yes we did it’ moment! Thank you people of Blackburn for getting involved and making it successful!
Mahoosive thanks to the artists and volunteers we have worked with on this
project have been truly amazing, we really could not do this without all of you support…words fail me. Thank you.
We would also like to thank Catherine from Blackburn BID and Clare, Julia & Rebecca from Blackburn With Darwen borough Council for all their support, going above and beyond their roles to support us and ensure it all ran smoothly. It is fabulous having support from them to help make things happen in Blackburn.
Thanks also to Daisy and Matt from Leeway Productions, and all the ground crew…stewards, security, volunteers, who made sure it ran smoothly on the day. And to The Bureau – Centre for the Arts for allowing us to more or less take over the whole of the building for the past week (or two)! It was a hive of activity!
We must also thank the Peoples Projects (it was the funding that we won from the voting campaign that enabled this to happen) and Arts Council England giving us the opportunity to work with new artists and up skill the artists and volunteers that we already work with.
Yes! Thanks everyone. It has been an amazing journey for us (& beautifully captured in the images produced by Scott Jackson, Derren Lee Poole and Small Adventures Photography).
We have learnt lots (doing a summer parade is very different to doing a lantern parade!) and hope that Blackburn will see another summer parade in the not too distant future!
What do you think, would you like to see one too?
If you haven’t completed a questionnaire, please do so online. This gives us feedback, helps us when applying for funding and gives you an opportunity to tell us what you think.https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/2TY3LGG
Now time to tie up loose ends and start prepping for the lantern parade! Get the 14th December in your diaries now!
Leonie, Kerris, Emma and the rest of the team
#blackburnfestivaloflight #ourpreciousplanet #bureaublackburn #blackburn #community #makingchanges #newopportunities